And on top of this list of important numbers stands, traffic rate. Of course you know this. That is why maybe you invested tons of money into schemes promising a higher traffic rate. And you have either not experienced much growth or you ran out of all your money. Whatever the case, you have finally found the right place. We are going to list out a few strategies which require no or limited budget for increasing your traffic rates!
The best strategies to increase traffic :
Organic SEO : When you search for something on any search engine, you see a number of sites in order. Have you ever wondered why that order? And how some of these sites are at number 1 while some are on the 35th page? The answer is ‘Search Engine Optimization’.
It’s the art of making search engines believe that you are most fit for that first position in the results for certain keywords. But, it isn\’t that easy. Search engines are getting smarter each second. Thus, keep these simple things in mind :
Don’t cramp up your website with keywords. It will be considered spam and you’ll be out of the race.
Keep up with the constant algorithm updates.
Target correct keywords and phrases – they could be 4 words or more. Think from the perspective of your customers and target audience while forming these.
To get a better idea, follow these points :
Go through ‘Google’s Search Quality Guidelines’ to get a better idea.
Keyword research and analysis could also get you a good spot on the rankings.
Tools like Google Adwords Keyword Planner or Ubersugest are excellent to start with.
Leverage social media : Have you counted how many times you’ve been interrupted by ads on Facebook, or Instagram or any social media platform for that matter? Yes, it’s a great medium to socialize. But in the last few years, it’s grown to be so much more than just that.
The number of people using these platforms is increasing exponentially. And thus, almost the whole of your target audience can be found here. Take a look at the statistics:
Keep in mind :
Don’t limit yourself to just facebook and twitter. There are a lot of platforms gaining popularity and you need to explore them all.
Do proper research on the target audience and finalise the platform based on it.
Give a link back to your website to attract some attention.
Apart from this, let these platforms be a medium through which your customers or potential customers can share their thoughts, doubts or feedback with you. Use these for communication.
Email marketing : Email marketing. While some consider this to be the old school way, the impact it has is tremendous. The millenials prefer to interact using emails because of the professional touch. Here’s why it is so effective :
With a return on investment of around 4300%, it is documented that email driven traffic is 10 times more likely to convert than any other traffic driven to your site.
By employing permission based marketing, you are ensuring that you generate quality leads. This means that only those people who agreed to get emails from you will receive them. Thus, the traffic you generate is most likely to convert.
You can easily notify them about any updates or offers. An average individual checks email at least twice a day. Thus, you increase your chances of getting noticed.
But you’re on thin ice here. If not formed properly, it’s considered spam. And you might lose on the customers and even gain a negative reputation, with a negative effect on your company. So, be relevant, concise and clear.
Influencer marketing : 85% of people rely on reviews while shopping. Recommendations from friends or close ones are 42% more effective than ads. Thus, reviews about your product/service can decide how much traffic or conversion rates you are going to experience. Now, this effect is heightened if the product/service is being reviewed by an influencer.
An influencer is some public personality on Instagram, YouTube etc. There are millions of followers who take their advice and consider their opinions. They trust them and their reviews. Thus, if you get such influencers to review your product/service, you are looking for a huge spike in traffic rates.
Building links : Link building is basically redirecting to websites or pages from within your own website or external websites. This will ensure that website authority is acquired. External link building is particularly excellent for driving traffic and increasing your visibility. Now, there is a huge possibility of creating fake external links. And that is why Google has updated its algorithm to find and eliminate such scam links.
External link building : This method proves to be better for SEO optimization and better ranking. External link building is basically when an external site or page mentions you and gives a link back to your homepage. It increases your domain visibility to a great extent.
To sum it up :
Everyone loves a hike in traffic rates, obviously. And all it requires is a smart plan which is centred around your nature of the business. You don’t need to throw your money into various high-end strategies. Understanding the basics of your company and the mindset of your customers will help you to narrow it down to the best cost effective strategies.
You need to decide and incorporate such various strategies, mentioned above, to make it big and make an impact on your website’s success. Thus, if you follow our steps mentioned above, and crucially undertake every right decision, then nothing can stop you from gaining a plethora of new potential customers. We hope that this post has been helpful, has helped you gain a sense of direction to lead your company into and wish you the best of luck in your future endeavours!